The Video Theremin
The Video Theremin is a musical instrument whereby waving your hands in the air you can control the pitch and volume of a musical sound. A great tool for performance art. Or add an edge to your band performance while projecting the digital image on a video screen. It can be used with MIDI controlled lights also.
The picture above shows the Video Theremin in operation. The white bars perch on top of the highest part of the edge detected below them. One controls pitch and the other volume. Although using your hands is probably the most intuitive way to move the bars, any part of your body can be used to control their motion. You can even point the video camera at your cat or a tree branch swaying in the breeze and let their motion control the sounds.
Comes on one floppy disk with complete installation and setup instructions.
Send [no longer available] (shipping is included) to:
Peterson Enterprises
USA orders only please.
* Amiga 1000 computer with Live! video digitizer and MIDI interface.
* A video camera (a black & white camera with adjustable intensity works best).
* A music keyboard with MIDI input.
[The Video Theremin has not been tried with an Amiga 2000 and the A2000 version of the Live! digitizer but they may also work.]
If you buy the components used, a unique instrument can be yours at very low cost. Even more so if you have some of the components already.
Typical Used Prices: Amiga 1000 Computer -$50 Live! video digitizer - $75 MIDI interface - $10 B&W video camera - $75 inexpensive MIDI keyboard - $50
Live! video digitizers are available from:
Information about Amiga computers can be found at:
For more information about Theremins and their inventor follow these links:
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